Gathering Together for Worship…
- Typical worship begins at 9:00 am, Children are welcome to attend Sunday school.
- Mobility impaired accessibility via chair lift.
- Typically traditional, liturgical, with new and fresh prayers each week, hymns from The Hymnal (UCC) & The New Century Hymnal.
- Celebrate Holy Communion/Eucharist the first Sunday of the month with wine and grape juice, and varying formats.
- Occasionally congregants plan and participate in emergent worship.
- Always includes moments of grace, challenge, scripture, opportunity to pray for the people, confess and receive assurance, and draw close to God.
- Celebrate life and love with baptisms, weddings, and funerals whenever the opportunity arises.
- Grounded in the theology of the United Church of Christ.
…and Service in the Name of Christ
- Church Ladies meet monthly to plan and partake in fellowship and mission work.
- The Property & Space committee ministers to the blessing of a beautiful church and land.